Monthly Archives: February 2017

Fun Weekend in Enschede

On Friday, 24th Gijs Huisman defended his thesis on Social Touch Technology successfully at the University of Twente.


Excellent work. Proud of my former PhD student, now a young Doctor.


But also nice were the exhibitions in Tetem, de Twentse Welle and Rijksmuseum Twenthe.

In Tetem the AKI Electrique exhibition and the Hyper-Reality video from Kelichi Matsuda were fun and interesting to watch. Very enjoyable.


Besides the exhibition on well-known and less well-known Renaissance artists from Italy (Rafael, Titiaan, Tintoretto, Savoldo, Moroni…) with the lesser known ones being the most interesting in this case, the Rijksmuseum Twenthe also showed the magnificent exhibition of works by Silvia B.
